Critica Literaria

Gregory Szanto

Astrologia - A Escolha da Hora Certa     Astrologia - A Escolha da Hora Certa 
Gregory Szanto
Capa mole. Pensamento,
ISBN 9788531500244

Astrotherapy: Astrology and the realization of the self     Astrotherapy: Astrology and the realization of the self 
Gregory Szanto
Paperback. Arkana, 2006-02-07
ISBN 9781850630593

Perfect Timing: The Art of Electional Astrology (Astrology Handbooks)     Perfect Timing: The Art of Electional Astrology (Astrology Handbooks) 
Gregory Szanto
Paperback. Harpercollins, 1990-04
ISBN 9780850308037

Marriage of Heaven and Earth : The Philosophy of Astrology     Marriage of Heaven and Earth : The Philosophy of Astrology 
Gregory Szanto
Paperback. Penguin (Non-Classics), 1988-11-01
ISBN 9780140190359

Astrotherapy: Astrology and the Realization of the Self (Arkana S.)     Astrotherapy: Astrology and the Realization of the Self (Arkana S.) 
Gregory Szanto
Paperback. Arkana, 1987-11-01
ISBN 9780140190021

The Marriage of Heaven and Earth: The Philosophy of Astrology     The Marriage of Heaven and Earth: The Philosophy of Astrology 
Gregory Szanto
Paperback. Arkana, 1985-01-07
ISBN 9781850630210



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