Critica Literaria
They Died Too Young: The Brief Lives and Tragic Deaths of the Mega-Star Legends of Our Times   

They Died Too Young: The Brief Lives and Tragic Deaths of the Mega-Star Legends of Our Times

Hardcover. Smithmark Publishers 1996-08.
ISBN 9780765196002

Descrição da editora

Collects the stories of twenty tragic heroes and heroines from the recent past who died at the peak of their careers, from Elvis and James Dean to Marilyn Monroe and Malcolm X, tracing the stories and unfortunate deaths of each

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Critica Literaria » They Died Too Young: The Brief Lives and Tragic Deaths of the Mega-Star Legends of Our Times
They Died Too Young: The Brief Lives and Tragic Deaths of the Mega-Star Legends of Our Times
They Died Too Young: The Brief Lives and Tragic Deaths of the Mega-Star Legends of Our Times

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