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Principles of Supply Chain Management (with InfoTrac )   

Principles of Supply Chain Management (with InfoTrac )

Joel D. Wisner

Hardcover. South-Western College Pub 2008-05-01.
ISBN 9780324375084

Descrição da editora

Streamline your studying and get the grade you want with PRINCIPLES OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: A BALANCED APPROACH, Second Edition. With this textbook, you'll learn from real case studies, as well as games--like The Beer Game Supply Chain Management Simulation--how to understand and apply supply chain management. The coverage in this text uses a broad brush to encompass OM, purchasing, and logistics with a supply chain management focus, covering a great deal of content that isn't currently available elsewhere. The book guides you through how all aspects of supply chain activity are accomplished effectively and efficiently. It brings you the real world of supply chain management. The authors break down supply chain issues into purchasing, operations, and logistics. This is one of the most--if not the most--balanced supply chain management texts available, and it follows a natural flow through the supply chain. The well-organized chapters include excellent case studies, demonstrating the practical application of supply chain management in the workplace. Profiles throughout the text reinforce the studies, and help to reinforce your learning. This second edition also includes a number of new cases, in addition to the previous 15 cases, all packaged on the Student CD. Each of the 14 chapters includes revised and updated Supply Chain Management in Action opening features, e-Business Connection features, Global Perspective features, and company examples to ensure that current supply chain management issues are covered in depth

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Critica Literaria » Principles of Supply Chain Management (with InfoTrac )
Principles of Supply Chain Management (with InfoTrac )
Principles of Supply Chain Management (with InfoTrac )

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